Setup Laravel
Minible is built with Laravel 11 with developer friendly code. You can simply change the layouts and mode using this template.
Laravel Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining basic webpack build steps for your Laravel application. Mix supports several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.
Note: If you are using single mode ( Dark, Light, RTL ) and dont need right side drawer to change layout then please remove css link from resources/views/layouts/head.blade.php
and also remove js code initSettings();
method is declared inside into init() method in the file resources/js/app.js
You need to add these css for specific mode which you want to use in your project so there will be no any extra css files will be loaded.
Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:
Make sure to have the Xampp installed & running in your computer.
Make sure to have the Composer installed & running in your computer.
Make sure to have the Node.js installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Node on your computer, you can skip this step if your existing node version is greater than 16.
Make sure to have the Git installed globally & running on your computer. If you already have installed git on your computer, you can skip this step.
To setup the admin theme, follow below-mentioned steps:
Install Prerequisites
Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer.
After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands to run the project locally or build for production use:
Command | Description |
npm install
This would install all the required dependencies in
the node_modules folder.
composer install
command to install all of the framework's dependencies. |
Please run the below command to generate the new key.
php artisan key:generate
Please fill your DB credentials in the .env file.
npm run dev
To compile all assets files like CSS, JS and will copy all images into the public directory. If you are making any changes in any of the .scss, .js, images or fonts files then you need to run the this command again for development. |
npm run production
To compile all assets files like CSS, JS and will copy all images into the public directory. Run this command to get minify output for the production server. |
npm run watch
If you are working on the project and would like to compile all assets files then tun this command so it will auto compile all assets so you dont need to run "npm run dev" command multiple times. |
Please run the following commands to clear all cache from the project.
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan migrate
This will migrate the database tables. For more details visit |
php artisan serve
The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8000. To run on other port just run command : php artisan serve --port=8001 |
Multi Language Settings
Lets add french language.
- Create new file translation.php in the fr folder in the
folder and add the below code.<?php // translation.php return [ 'welcome' => 'Welcome Friend' ];
- You need to add the new language option in the topbar
. Make sure to add it flag image and option in the dropdown.
Make sure to provide www-data user permissions to storage folder if you are using linux server.